Our Transport teams and vehicles are based in Hertfordshire, Devizes, Taunton and Birmingham. It’s quite a contrast to where we first started – Our first delivery was carried out just under 30 years ago by an employee who at the time was a qualified electrician, he was asked if he could install an appliance, he did and the rest is history! Today, much planning, coordination and logistics is required to ensure all of our goods are delivered on time and in a safe manner. We have 15 in our Transport team, consisting of a Transport Manger, Drivers and Loaders plus agency support.
2017 Statistics
> We covered 1,096,548 miles
> Used 85,499.16 litres of fuel, giving an average of 23.87 mpg over all vehicles.
Our Fleet
> 6 small vans
> 22 medium wheel base vans
> 5 long wheel base vans
> 4 box vans
> 7 trucks + 2 on hire. (2x 7.5t, 1x 10.5t, 3x 12t and on hire 1x 7.5t + 1x 18t)
> Deliveries: Average 2000 –2100 appliances delivered in per week
> Installs: Average 500 – 580 appliances installed per day
> Stock Turn: Average 18-20 days goods in / out
Kitchens by Hacker
> Average Kitchen turnaround in/out: 30 days (but the majority of kitchens leave us within 14 days.)
> Average Vehicle Usage: 2 – 3 deliveries per day to sites
> Highlights: 1 site has daily deliveries of 5 kitchens and has been since the turn of the year
Safety First
> All our drivers have attended a Safe Urban Driving course and have completed areas of the FORS online learning module
> Reverse warnings sensors have been installed and will be fitted to the remaining vehicles this year
> Vans are limited to 70mph
> Our 12 tones/18 tonne trucks have side and reverse cameras plus cyclist aware systems and audible warning systems.
Environmentally Conscious
> Our trucks use a substance called AdBlue which removes particles and reduces exhaust emissions.
We hope the above gives you a small insight in to just one of the bustling departments here at DBD!
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